API Reference
idstringUnique identifier for the object
ccnstringThe cargo control number
importerorganization address objectThe importer information
supplierorganization address objectThe supplier information
shipperorganization address objectThe shipper information
currencycurrencyThree-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. Currently only accepts CAD and USD
commercial_invoicesarray of commercial invoice objectsAn array of commercial invoice objects
total_packagesintThe total number of packages in the consolidated shipment
goods_descriptionstringA brief description of the goods
total_weightfloatThe total weight of the declaration
weightweight unitThe unit of weight. Accepted weight units are 'g', 'kg', 'oz', 'lb'
destination_portstringCode for trade and transport locations. Valid codes can be found here.
sublocationintThe sublocation code. Must be 4 digits long
port_of_clearanceintThe port of clearance. Must be 4 digits long
etadateThe estimate date of arrival
date_createddateThe date the airway bill was created. Defaulted to today if not provided
transport_modeenum('road', 'air)The transportation mode for the shipment. Must be 'road' or 'air'
createddateThe date the consolidated shipment object was created

The commercial invoice object

invoice_nostringThe invoice number
treatment_codestringThe treatment code to be applied. Default is '02'
vfd_codestringThe value for duty code to be applied. Default is '13'
subtotal_pricefloatThe total price of just the line items
total_weightfloatThe total weight of the line items in the invoice
weight_unitweight unitThe unit of weight. Accepted weight units are 'g', 'kg', 'oz', 'lb'
packagesintThe total number of packages within the commercial invoice
unique_consigneeorganization address objectThe unique consignee information associated with the commercial invoice
line_itemsarray of line item objectsAn array of line item objects
date_createddatetimeThe date the invoice was created. Defaults to the time the consolidated shipment object is created

The line item object

product_codestringThe product code
descriptionstringThe product description
countrystringThe product country of origin. Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
classification_codestringThe tariff code of the product. More details can be found here.
quantityintegerThe quantity of the product in the shipment
weightfloatThe weight of the product
weight_unitstringThe unit of weight. Accepted weight units are 'g', 'kg', 'oz', 'lb'.
unit_pricefloatThe price of the product
line_pricefloatThe total price for the line item
customs_valuefloatThe amount charged to the customer

The supplier address object

namestringFull name
emailstringEmail address
phonestringPhone number of the recipient
address1stringAddress line 1
address2stringAddress line 2
citystringCity name
statestringState name
postal_codestringZIP or postal code
countrystringTwo-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
unlocostringCode for trade and transport locations. Valid codes can be found here.

The organization address object

namestringFull name
emailstringEmail address
phonestringPhone number of the recipient
address1stringAddress line 1
address2stringAddress line 2
citystringCity name
statestringState name
postal_codestringZIP or postal code
countrystringTwo-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). Currently only supports CA or US